Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Pictures Are Only Pictures

Pictures Are Only Pictures

I've been thinking a lot lately about how much influence others have on our lives. Sometimes I don't even think we realize the impact others have on the decisions we make each and every day. When you look on Facebook, Instagram, or any other social media network, it seems that we all live perfect lives. But, that's the thing we only see what the camera shows us. We can't see what is truly going on in that persons life. This can bring judgement, jealousy, and attacks against others. I think we have lost a lot our true connection to we have to each other.  I'm not saying by any means that I don't look on Facebook, and think "Wow, I wish I looked like that". However, I've come to see that no one has it perfect, no matter how perfect the pictures look. They are that pictures, just like a movie is a movie. Don't get me wrong there are actually true pictures out there that represent that person's life. The thing is we really don't know for sure what is real, unless we have personal contact with that person.

I can't help but ask myself, why do I feel the need to always look my best, always seem happy, when it's just not true. I think society in general has us thinking that we have to live up to certain standards, otherwise we are not worthy. This has cost no many problems with the younger generation. They look, really look, and want to be like the beautiful model with the flawless face, and have all of the newest and most expensive things. But, a majority of people can't afford those things, and as to the beautiful faces,  Photoshop does wonders, so what you see isn't always what is reality.

So, what I'm saying is to take a moment next time and think these are just photographs, words written, and know that in reality you don't know the whole story. Next time you start to judge someone stop and think, how you would feel if someone was picking you apart. We truly can't know what it is like to walk in someone else's shoes. We just need to be careful to not let social media control our thoughts about ourselves, and what we do, or don't have.

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